Free Group Distance Healing
a selection from hundreds
I experienced all sorts... stomach gurgles, a sharp pain in my right lower leg!?!?, cold feet, a feeling of rapid eye movement and visualising lots of clouds, dark always moving to the left... and although I didn't know the time, I knew when you had finished as the clouds became light in colour and felt refreshing.
At two moments during the half hour I felt a heaviness and warmth land on my solar plexus, it then melted out to the rest of my body and I felt soothed, calmed and comforted.
I am in Mauritius... I wanted to say thank you as the healing energy reached me deeply.....at a crucial time.
Although I was very tired from poor sleep I felt lighter and refreshed after. I did experience intermittent pains in my torso and gurgling so feel that could be energy releasing.
Thank you so much for your energy this morning! You got right into the sore spot, shoulder and now I'm pain-free and have movement.
As always I was asleep during the healing (living in California) and once more I had strong dreams and woke up knowing that more than normal sleeping happened.
My imagination began to soar, and a project with which I’ve been having some writer’s block came rushing towards me. Scene by scene, it all unfolded. As soon as the healing was over, I typed up all my ideas, like they were overflowing in me.
Thank You, what a powerful healing! Felt your soothing energy at least ten times.
I was up until 3:00 am New York time, at around 2:30 I felt an extreme amount of heat on my chest. Never felt that before. Then I immediately wrapped up what I was doing and got into bed. I woke up at 7:30 am thinking "Ok, let's get ready for the healing" not realising I'd ‘missed’ it."
Around 15 minutes into the session I became really hot with pins and needles all over my body... since then, in amazement, the problems I was having with my bowels has reduced tremendously.
My arms were pulsating- definitely felt as though something was shifting and I saw a purple haze... It was a very powerful session - I'm still feeling its good effects.​​​
It was my first time to have it and it was immensely amazing. I felt the change of energy three times even though I was in Uganda 6000 miles away. God bless you.
I felt that I was swimming under the water, very clear and clean water. I felt an energy. But I really can't describe what it was...I feel so good.
The healing was the most incredible physical experience I have yet had... the sensation of a vacuum started to manifest between my ribs under my sternum, so strong that I wriggled a little to see if the pulling sensation was being created by my clothes... like when leaves and debris are cleared from a drain and the water rushes in, sucked in and down.
Wow ! Woke up at 7.30 am full of energy and then remembered it was healing Sunday! Next thing it's 10am! I was drifting all over the place, can't quite describe it, just went with it. Woke up and began my day feeling calm and more organised within me. Thank you.
Morning Carmen, Thank you so much for your energy this morning! You got right into the sore spot, shoulder and now I'm pain-free and have movement :-) Thank you, my Angel xxx.
So thrilled I was able to participate. I relaxed and believe I fell asleep right away and think I was aware of tingling in my hand. I woke up 35 minutes later then fell back asleep for most of the night. I woke up with wonderful energy and attitude. Not sure if it's related but had strong thoughts about being vegetarian. To be continued.... Feeling so good and it was such a wonderful day!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Thank you dear kind soul. The healing was around 2am my time & me and my family was deep asleep. The only thing I remember is that I saw a dream. I am positive that I have released something and I am really thankful for all your time and love from the bottom of my heart. Thank you, many blessings.
My alarm went off at 8:00am and I was ready for my journey with you. Your blissful 30 minutes soothed my soul as well as my restless body. I couldn't believe it when I was called for my breakfast at 9:00am and I didn't know where the time gone. I got up feeling refreshed and almost forgotten about my shoulders which have been troubling me for the last few weeks. Thank you for this amazing energy!
As always I was asleep during the healing (living in CR) and once more i had strong dreams and woke up knowing that more than normal sleeping happened. i do wake up fresher and "clearer". Thank you Carmen.
I saw light and lots of topaz blue. I live in Maryland and at midnight (EST) I got really dizzy and really energised at the same time. I went into a power sleep, I felt like I was sleeping for ages, it felt really good. I had an emotional breakthrough this morning. I was in tears within minutes! I'm now up feeling upbeat and positive for the day and week ahead.
I’ve had a very stiff neck since the anaesthetic and as soon as your healing started it warmed up and now feels much better.
At one point I felt like I was connected to a powerhouse and I noticed how my body was literally swollen with energy.​​
My family in Spain report that my mum is more cheerful and has even been cooking! I must be honest, when I told her about the distance healing, she did not understand me and kept saying that I should not send anybody. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I woke up feeling invigorated and that I could take on the world. During the healing I felt very warm on the inside. I had a few strange pains in places that hadn't hurt before the healing started, but the warmth I felt seemed to go to where the pains were. I didn't wake up until 9.30 am, very unusual for me and was struck by how warm, cosy and relaxed I felt and then I remembered your healing!
At one point I felt like I was connected to a powerhouse and I noticed how my body was literally swollen with energy.​​
My mother (in Scotland) just called me and she's absolutely fabulous. She's had a really long walk across rough terrain, and did lots of work in her garden. "It's all down to Carmen, you know"!!!” Her words.
Very relaxing. There were little flutters in my lower back, lots of tummy rumbling and pain passing up and down my big thumb on my right hand. I feel very cleared in my mind and body at this moment.
It felt like I had disappeared from this world for an hour and a half. Feeling really good today, energised and positive.
My body felt as though I were being gently lifted (not quite off the bed like elevation). After whatever was being removed/lifted out of me, I relaxed flat back down feeling light in those two chakra areas and was then overwhelmed with tears!!
Experienced a sensation of flying during the last few minutes which is something I have not experienced since I was a child.
​Most of the time I was cold. I must have drifted off but was woken at 10.55 with a rush of warmth...after that, lots of tears.
It was 2am here in USA and I was sleeping. The next day I felt a little down and some emotions came up. Thank you so much and many blessings.
Experienced a sensation of flying during the last few minutes which is something I have not experienced since I was a child.
I felt heat in my body, tingling on my head and third eye, healing vibration, pressure, feeling thirsty again and again and had good sleep last night saw many strange dreams ... Many many thanks for this healing session Namaste.
I was aware of pains shifting from one foot to the other, and also a moment where my shoulder blades just seemed to collapse and melt into the bed.
For the last while I’ve been very tired, so much so that most physical exercise exhausts me. As soon as I laid down for the healing, I got a wave of energy, particularly mental clarity. Within five minutes, as much as I tried to “clear my head”, I simply couldn’t, but it wasn’t in a cluttered, anxious way. My imagination began to soar, and a project with which I’ve been having some writer’s block came rushing towards me. Scene by scene, it all unfolded. As soon as the healing was over, I typed up all my ideas, like they were overflowing in me. I actually had trouble sleeping because of all the good energy that seemed to have opened in me. Despite not having a great night sleep and a tired day Sunday, I have more energy today than I have in a very long time.
A peaceful session. Last night I went to bed in an angry and irritable mood. I just couldn't shake it. So this morning I was grateful for the distance healing. I slept peacefully after and my equilibrium is restored. Thanks Carmen xx.
Thank you for the wonderful healing this morning, Carmen. I managed to stay awake throughout it and I felt so warm and relaxed. I then fell asleep and slept deeply for an hour. When I awoke, I felt so full of energy, but also very calm. I've had a wonderfully positive and productive day so far, and as I have done the housework that I'd planned to do, I now have some time for myself, so I'm going to relax doing some crafting.
A peaceful session. Last night I went to bed in an angry and irritable mood. I just couldn't shake it. So this morning I was grateful for the distance healing. I slept peacefully after and my equilibrium is restored. Thanks Carmen xx.
​Most of the time I was cold. I must have drifted off but was woken at 10.55 with a rush of warmth...after that, lots of tears.
For the last while I’ve been very tired, so much so that most physical exercise exhausts me. As soon as I laid down for the healing, I got a wave of energy, particularly mental clarity. Within five minutes, as much as I tried to “clear my head”, I simply couldn’t, but it wasn’t in a cluttered, anxious way. My imagination began to soar, and a project with which I’ve been having some writer’s block came rushing towards me. Scene by scene, it all unfolded. As soon as the healing was over, I typed up all my ideas, like they were overflowing in me. I actually had trouble sleeping because of all the good energy that seemed to have opened in me. Despite not having a great night sleep and a tired day Sunday, I have more energy today than I have in a very long time.
Thank you for the wonderful healing this morning, Carmen. I managed to stay awake throughout it and I felt so warm and relaxed. I then fell asleep and slept deeply for an hour. When I awoke, I felt so full of energy, but also very calm. I've had a wonderfully positive and productive day so far, and as I have done the housework that I'd planned to do, I now have some time for myself, so I'm going to relax doing some crafting.
I felt a strong surge of warmth and tingling throughout my torso and down my arms, and such a force on my chest and heart that I had to take some very long deep slow breaths in. This happened twice in the space of a minute and then subsided.
​Once again Carmen, many thanks, yet another shift! Went so quickly and I had many tingling sensations, heat, now feel clearer and I am now writing my TV pilot very freely.
I felt like different parts of my body were hurting and releasing. I felt this sensation in my hip, ankle, wrist and chest, but difficult to explain.
​Dearest Carmen, just wanted to say thank you for this morning. Had got up to do some sorting out, etc., and suddenly realised it was 08.10. Bounded onto bed and lay there, panicked. I was so disappointed. I thought I’d never achieve anything from healing this time. How wrong I was. Gradually, my breathing quietened and the shudders disappeared from my in-and-out breaths. I had a lot of pain in my ring finger - puzzling as it was my left thumb that was broken. Later, after some fractious phone calls from family left me feeling so low, I lay on the sofa with no energy or desire. I awoke 2 hours later, bathed in the most beautiful sunlight and a feeling of warmth and safeness. After a while the wilderness that is the garden beckoned. After 2 hours working outside, I then tackled a room I hadn’t entered for several months. AMAZING.