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Light and Shadow


S.H - Actress


Dear Carmen, I came for a session a few weeks ago and just thought I would drop you an email to let you know that I practically skipped out of your house after the [Actor Surgery] session and am doing well. You said I would feel lighter, and I do. And this past week I've had what has felt like the most fun week I've ever had!! Thank you so much!

N.R - Actress


Just to say that my voice is sooo much better, thank you. The big test will be when I return after the holidays but am very confident that you've helped shift a lot of STUFF!!!

J.M - Dancer


Dear Carmen, thank you so much for an incredible treatment. I did not know what to expect beforehand but I felt much more relaxed and confident after my treatment. My body felt very different with real shifts along the left hand side of my body - it still feels noticeably heavier than the right. My voice also feels deeper and deeply rooted and grounded. Thank you so much!

C.G - Student


I had rehearsals today for a show at drama school and at one point I was having a hard time giving the director what he wanted. In the past, my mind would have turned against me and I would have fallen into a pit of self-destructive thoughts. Today was the first day in a very long time that I was able to handle the criticism and felt a sense of peace in the challenges that were thrown at me.

Carmen cleared so much of my blocked energy, and it has been positively affecting many areas of my life, one of those areas being my experience at drama school. I have felt much more grounded, as well as a sense of ease, freedom and safety.

During the actual session, my stomach rumbled and I could feel the energy lifting from my chest. It’s an experience that words cannot properly express because of what a magical experience it truly is. I just wanted to say thanks so much again for the session, I really appreciate it and have felt such a wonderful difference in my energy.

N.J - Performer


Just want to tell you how rejuvenated I feel !! OMG I woke up feeling so energised and positive. I really feel the clearance for sure ;) You are really born with a true gift of healing. By the way, I feel the extra water is helping me too. I feel so renewed and mentally stable again. Thanks for your amazing and positive energy transfer. I adore you!!!

M.Y - Musician


The healing you gave me was the most profound healing I ever received. I felt it was so deep - at a cellular level. I'm so grateful to my Higher Self for guiding me to you and for your amazing loving healing energy. That day felt like a rebirth. It is so profound I want my husband to have it too. Infinite gratitude.

S.W - Musician/Student


Carmen the wonder maker. I can't describe how good you are. You gave me back my life.

C.B - Actress


Hello Carmen. I just wanted to tell you that the job went really well and that I now have another picture - of people congratulating me on good work ! Thank you.

C.O - Actor


I've just finished my sixth session with Carmen and continue to have the most incredible breakthroughs. From my first session in 2011, I saw dramatic changes in my personal and professional life, and there is nothing coincidental about these changes and the process that I went through with Carmen during our sessions. Two and half years on, I felt the most dramatic shift in my most recent session and with it came a feeling of absolute certainty that things have changed in my life forever. I described it to her as opening the door into Oz and suddenly everything being in technicolour. So it was absolutely no surprise to me that when the very next day a job offer came through that has eluded me in the past. Life is a journey and I understand the need to continue good practices. With Carmen's help, I'm firmly on the path towards the life that I've always known is possible for me to live.

M.B - Performer


[1st session] "Dearest Carmen, I think I might have performed the best I ever have last night. Amazing night, fully present, the music flowed right through me. THANK YOU."    

 [2nd session] "I just wanted to say a huge 'Thank You' for the brilliant treatment I had with you last week. I felt incredible afterwards, and my work has really benefited.I thought it was incredible when I felt a huge pull in the area of my heart and when I opened my eyes, there you were, pulling that very area. That was worthy of any evidence-based science for me! I was so surprised, I nearly fell off the table.

Ben - Actor


Ben, a young actor, was nervous about an upcoming audition for a part in a well-known TV sitcom, and feared that his anxiety would get in the way of giving his best performance. When I saw Ben his whole body shook with nerves. However, nervousness was a general feature of Ben’s life, relating to long-standing, unresolved, family issues. When we worked on those issues, using energy psychology techniques, Ben found that his nervousness soon fell from an 8 (out of 10) to a barely detectable anxiety. His body language was also noticeably different. He was calmer, more ‘comfortable in his skin,’ and more centred. The mental ‘programme’ he left with was to have fun, no matter what, during the audition. Though Ben didn’t get the part, he said that it was the first time he’d felt so relaxed during an audition. 

Megan - Actress


Megan, an actress, privately doubted that I could help her. As she saw it, she was simply having trouble connecting with a character she was about to play. Though she was becoming increasingly stressed about the situation, she couldn't see how an energy healer could help her overcome her acting block. However, every problem we face in the world is connected to our emotions and our story. So it came as no surprise to me that when I muscle-tested Megan on 'I want to find the truth in this character,' the result was a firm negative. This meant that although Megan was working very hard to 'find' her character, there was a hidden belief, or subconscious script, that was contradicting this outward desire. We worked on what might be causing Megan's blocks and uncovered several unresolved childhood issues. During the session, Megan’s tummy growled and grumbled loudly and persistently - a good sign of trapped energy releasing, moving through, and out of the body. Afterwards, Megan felt both exhausted and an overwhelming sense of peace. She also felt a renewed determination to do some more work on the character that night. The following day at rehearsals she said that when playing her character, compared to her frustrated experience the days before, there was 'a world of difference... like night and day.' She was very happy with her progress, felt that she'd finally overcome her block, and was ecstatic that the director noticed and congratulated her on her efforts. After a second session she sent this text: 

"Wow!!!  I am amazed at just how brilliant you are. And EFT!! Two shows today and I was grt! AND... I really enjoyed myself!!! AND I opened up and enjoyed playing with the audience! A totally incredible transformation! I am completely AMAZED!! It really, really works! I just want to tap on everything now!!! Thank u. I am so grateful. M."

Anonymous - Actor


Carmen. The day has pretty much just started here in LA and you came to my mind. I’ve said this to you before, and I know it’s a lot to put on you all of a sudden, but I am so overwhelmed by my gratefulness to you. You helped me in the absolute hardest moment of my life and your kindness, your gifts, they really saved my life. I thank you so much. I thank you.

J.S - Fitness Coach


Hi Carmen, so my talk went well, presenting to 10 lawyers in a 1 hour workshop. I actually enjoyed it after the first nerves settled. Walking up to the offices where the talk was held, my ego was putting up a real fight. I felt a little sick and my nerves were really getting the better of me. But I knew I HAD to do this, there was no running away anymore. I am so grateful for your patience and work with me. Thank you so so much. I feel like I have overcome the biggest challenge in my life to date!

C.C - Actress

New York

As an actress, I sometimes feel blocked, like I’m not able to fully experience and express the emotions of the characters I’m playing. That’s when I book a session with Carmen and it always blows my mind how she delivers above and beyond my expectations. 
I guess on some level, I’m expecting just a regular acting/coaching session, where we focus on the text in the script, but Carmen (a scriptwriter by profession), goes way beyond this typical approach and actually clears the blockages she senses in your flow of energy (chi) . Doing it this way releases my creativity at the root of the problem, not just the surface, and not only am I able to emote again, but my entire being receives an energy flow reset which has a positive knock on effect for my whole life, not just the issue I approached her with initially.
Each session leaves me feeling like a more grounded, balanced, capable, deserving, clear headed version of myself who is now free to perform at my highest level. 
Carmen is an incredible healer and working with her has given me life changing results.

A.W - Performer


Hey Carmen, I’d love to book you for another session. When I came to your Sunday afternoon session years ago, we talked about where our ‘glass ceilings’ with regards to earning money were and mine was £88,000. I’ve now hit that, so wow! You were on it! I’d like to break through that now and don’t want to subconsciously block myself or upper limit. I’d like to double it and MORE! xx


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