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Light and Shadow


Karen - Housekeeper


“This is the Housekeeper at the Jamaican villa where I recently stayed. I noticed right away that there was something ‘off’ about her Energy. Turned out she was nursing a deep physical pain in her heart area that prevented her from laughing and that made her scared to take other than shallow breaths. 
She was amazed after the brief session when I told her what I’d both detected and simultaneously Deleted - old stories of guilt, regret and grief to do with her father who had recently passed; and a cholesterol issue that she’d just been diagnosed with by her doctor! I’d had no prior knowledge of any of this.
(Forgive my appearance, the session was off-the-cuff and I’d only just woken up! Lol.)”

J.B - Textiles

I visited Carmen after an operation on my broken femur bone. Whilst the hospital had told me that my bone was mending well and I was undergoing physiotherapy, I still felt that I was not making progress fast enough and was impatient to get rid of the constant feeling of pain and stiffness whilst walking and moving. The healing experience itself was a relaxing experience and during it I had quite strange sensations of rumbling in my stomach and a soft whooshing sound in my ears. Immediately after the session I was amazed to realise that I could put my shoes on and bend over far enough to do up the laces! - something I had not been able to do since the accident 4 months ago. Over the next few days, many incidents occurred which substantiated my increased flexibility, and mobility. Since the session I have felt that I have turned a corner in my recovery. It is difficult to explain but after the accident I felt that the injury was dictating my mind-set, and I felt constantly slightly shadowed by it. Since my healing session, I feel myself again and feel that life is getting back to normal rather than being dominated by my injury. Thank-you!


M.K - Artist

[Follow-up Testimonial] Thanks Carmen for all your advice. It had to come into play this weekend with pain going through the roof and two nights really bad sweats, with just a couple of hours sleep. I did exactly what you said and although I still wasn't able to go out, I definitely controlled the effect it had on my energy and my mind. I was able to entertain guests this weekend and I was at peace in pain, quite a bizarre feeling. I felt the pain flow out of me. I sensed it, felt it and then let it go. Incredible. Only had to tap my collar bone 3 times max and that wasn't for pain just a couple of negative bitchy thoughts I didn't like I had. You're a super star. My mates are noticing a definite change in recovery both mentally and physically. Mwah. Xxx



After your session [Exhaustion; Lack of Energy first thing in the morning] I tidied up my flat, had so much energy I couldn’t sleep. Woke up with energy and still have it!!! I’m so excited!! This could be life changing for me! Thank you so much! You’re amazing!!


R.T - Film Production

Carmen, I just realised that my cough has COMPLETELY GONE! You have magic powers. Thank you so much!


D.L - Builder

I was suffering with complete exhaustion, severe pain in my bones muscles...enough to stop me from walking. I also had hypersensitivity, sickness, hallucinations etc...I had suffered like this for the past year whilst titrating off three different psychotropic medications. Carmen Harris a wonderful friend I met on Facebook a couple of years ago had contacted me to kindly offer to do a healing session with me. I was too exhausted to even talk with her for a couple of days. Carmen eventually caught up with me one night after nearly collapsing due to pain and fatigue. Carmen asked me to explain what had been going on, then she asked me to place the phone where she could see me whilst I lay down in bed. I could sense but there is nothing like experience to teach us in life. What I love about Carmen Harris is she does healing as if she is writing a shopping list. Please don’t suffer, contact Carmen...she is as her book says magical. Carmen’s book is called ‘Shit happens, Magic Follows’. This isn’t a sales pitch, it’s a fabulous read.


M.K - Artist

I'll be really honest in saying I was more than sceptical before my first visit. I was wrong and that's OK. The world is conditioning us to work on another level. I let that fear go and opened myself up completely to trust this wonderful being. I went the first time to help sort out my back but instead we concentrated on much darker issues in my past. There was an hour of the most bizarre feelings, energy becoming visceral. I could feel it, I could almost hold it, I tasted and smelt it. It was a painful experience but I felt it leaving my body. The second session was even more intense. My ribs were tender to the touch and my stomach ached and made incredible noises. Noises easily heard from outside my body. I managed to put the past into a place where I know where it is but it doesn't affect my energy or torment me, where it is only a memory not a feeling. For the first time in my life I like who I am. I'm allowed to let go of all that angry disappointed fearful negative severe mental torture. The strangest feeling was, I almost skipped out of the house. The burning fireball of pain that I went to have healed which we didn't even discuss didn't return on cue as it should have at 12:30 before the next set of medication. I highly recommend this gifted wonderful being. Carmen clearly has a gift in enabling me/you and many others to release and actually feel the ‘bad’ energy leave the body. It was the size of a loaf of bread and I felt it reduce and eventually disappear. What a wonderful gift to be able to channel that energy out of me. Eternally grateful Carmen.


B.G - IT Management

In the cold and dark early hours of the morning I slowly made my way to the Urgent Care Centre at the Whittington Hospital. Since Wednesday I had been slowly using the mobility in my right arm, the pain becoming more and more unbearable. Having hardly slept and in a fit of tears and desperation I decided that I needed to seek medical help.  A couple of hours later, I left the Whittington with a considerable amount of very strong painkillers and a diagnosis of a ‘Frozen Shoulder,’ something that could happen to anyone at any time. It sounded so harmless but meant that I was going to spend the next month in excruciating pain and with no more than 30 degrees of movement in my right hand and that I could expect stiffness in the arm for the foreseeable future (and possibly the need for an operation). I was told to head home by the Doctor, that I could do nothing more than rest, ice the shoulder, keep it elevated and take the painkillers I had been prescribed. How was I going to be able to work and live with this diagnosis? I needed to see Carmen.  After explaining the diagnosis and expected recovery to Carmen a determined look came over her face; ‘Months’ she said and shook her head. Carmen treated me for two sessions and advised me to tap on the pain myself in between. It sounds so simple when I write it down but the last 36 hours have shown me that there is so much more to healing than conventional medicine. I started the first session by hardly being able to move my arm, I was in constant pain and, though I was hiding it, absolutely terrified of what this diagnosis meant for me. Even knowing that Carmen had helped so many people I was still sceptical; what if this doesn’t work for me? At the end of the second session as I lifted my arm up towards the ceiling I could have cried with joy. Instead, the biggest smile broke out over my face. In just over 24 hours I had gone from hopeless to hope-filled. I have not only been healed by Carmen but I have been given a gift; the knowledge and belief that I can heal myself. To me that is a priceless thing.  I go forward from this knowing that Carmen will be there should I need her, but that I now have the tools to continue this voyage of healing. That the emotional ‘baggage’ I carry, that the aches and pains I experience are not just something ‘I have to live with.’ That for me and for you there is a different way of life out there, if you can find the courage to find and take it. So starts my new journey; to stop smoking and more importantly to not let my life be ruled by my fears.


D.K - Exec. Sales/Marketing

I hurt my shoulder in a skiing accident the Christmas before and had been unable to go swimming. this was very upsetting as this was an activity I enjoyed and did regularly. My girlfriend suggested that I see Carmen as she had helped her with an emotional problem recently. I wasn't convinced, but booked an appointment anyway. A couple of days before my appointment I managed to pull my lower back muscle by doing an awkward lift. I was in agony and could barely walk. Carmen agreed to see me ahead of my appointment. She told me that there was an emotional element to the pain in my back. I was mystified as to what this meant, but over an hour later after Carmen unearthed this unconscious issue in my back, I walked out of the door completely pain-free! On the Saturday I returned (still without back pain) for my original appointment to heal my shoulder. The session was similar to the one for my back. Though I was convinced that the pain was related to nothing more than having had a nasty fall, Carmen insisted that over so many months my shoulder would have healed naturally itself - were it not for a blockage in my energy system. though I still can't claim to totally understand what this all means, sure enough, Carmen located an incident prior to the skiing accident that had 'lodged' in my shoulder. the skiing injury had merely compounded the 'issue' in that part of my body. when this was released, the pain evaporated like magic. Again, I left the session completely fee of pain, and several months later, that still remains the case. What's more, soon after the healing I resumed my swimming and go regularly, up to 3 times a week."         [His girlfriend wrote prior: D has not yet been swimming but has not complained once of any pain in his back or joints, which is a first because he used to moooaaan every day!!! I read your website in detail, so inspiring and true. You really do help to make people the best they can be.


N.C - Make-Up Artist

N came to see me about her wrist which she had fractured the week before. She was recommended to see me but didn't know what how I could help, given that the hospital x-ray had clearly shown the fracture. I sensed in N's energy an unresolved 'story' back in the past when she was 12 years old that most probably contributed to the self-sabotage of her 'accident.' After resolving this issue energetically, I smoothed the area around her wrist, which she felt as slightly painful movements beneath the skin. A week later N had another x-ray and her doctor exclaimed that she must have exceptional levels of calcium... as her wrist not only felt a lot better, but the x-ray showed no fracture!



I suffered from a persistent cold and cough and seemed to develop something nasty in the bronchial tubes, making breathing laboured and even painful, when I even slightly exerted myself. Exercising was out of the question. Having tried traditional medication and steam, without any significant improvement, I went to see Carmen as a recommendation by a friend, who had had amazing results for her similar ailment. Carmen was welcoming, gentle, as well as thorough in her practice. When she was going through my medical history, she discovered that I also had an uncomfortable, long-standing shoulder problem with which I had learned to live with daily exercise and the occasional visit to the physio. As a result of the treatment, not only was my breathing restored, but also my shoulder got better than it has been for over 10 years! I couldn't believe how one visit could cure me! I am truly grateful and don't hesitate to recommend Carmen as a fantastic healer.


J.S - Performer

Meant to tell you the other good news - my thyroid levels are NORMAL [on thyroid medication for 7 years] - no meds, no supplements, no iodine, just good old-fashioned Carmen! 



Tom, an actor, complained of muscle strain in both arms after overdoing it at the gym. He described the pain as intense (7, on a 0-10 scale). With energy healing, the pain noticeably reduced in both arms then curiously began to increase in the left. Use of energy psychology discovered an unresolved fear from a trauma to his left arm when he was aged 8. After collapsing that memory, the pain went completely. During the healing Tom said he could feel waves of energy coursing through his body and described the session as 'Amazing."

S.S - Int. Worker

I just wanted to say thank you for the [infertility] treatment that you gave me almost exactly one year ago, which I really feel was the turning point for me both physically and spiritually and largely the reason V [baby daughter] is here today...  Hi Carmen, I just wanted to send an update  ...  I'm absolutely stunned! When we got home from your house I changed V and saw that she had passed a bowel movement for the first time in three weeks without a suppository! This is no coincidence... I now realize the smell I noticed after the treatment was clearly this. So she actually managed to go during the treatment and has continued to go on her own every day since! Thank you so so so much! 


J.S - Council Admin

That healing was refreshing. Cannot move out of bed, not because I am tired, but the moment feels good and I don’t to lose it. I might just stay like this all day. Thank you.



Cherry booked her first session in a state of anxiety. A week prior, she’d discovered a breast lump and, overcoming her fear of the worst, had gone to have it examined by her GP. Her GP confirmed that the lump was ‘possibly nasty,’ and immediately referred Cherry to a hospital oncologist. During the two week wait for her hospital appointment, Cherry had two sessions with me, a week apart. Each session mainly involved energy work around specific unresolved issues to do with Cherry’s early childhood. At the end of these sessions, she received five minutes of Quantum Entrainment (QE) directly on the lump in her right breast. A few days after the first session, Cherry phoned to say that she’d noticed that her memory and perception of the past had shifted from dwelling purely on the negative to remembering and appreciating positive aspects of her childhood that she’d forgotten. During the second session she told me that she was aware that the lump appeared to be more raised and noticeable. Two weeks later, Cherry called again, this time to tell me that she had seen the oncologist… and he could not find the lump! What he could find, however, was some internal ‘bruising’ in the area where both Cherry and her GP had found the lump. The specialist concluded that the bruising had been caused by Cherry possibly ‘bumping into something.’ Cherry couldn’t remember any such incident, and as any woman will tell you, if you were to ever ‘bump into’ something sharp or hard enough to cause bruising to tender breast tissue, you would certainly know about it.

R.T - Company Director

Dearest Carmen, one day you will be feted by what you have achieved, maybe at the moment a little bit of an unsung hero, there can be few if none who have been in contact with you that have not benefited from you…. I met Carmen by chance, my life was at the lowest ebb, I was unaware of her skills. She immediately diagnosed my past heart problems. She has also identified and discovered deep seated emotional problems in my childhood that has caused my prostate cancer. In fact, she treated me for this condition whereby my blood cell cancer count has been reduced by over 25%. Moreover my emotional welfare and well-being has been restored in a way that my deeply buried fears have been removed. My new life is a revelation to me. I am now happy as stress is no longer resident in my life. My treatment continues and I can only look forward with optimism and with a happier heart. Thank you Carmen.


B.D - University Lecturer

Today I had the pleasure of undergoing healing with Carmen. When she heard that my knee had been hurting she offered healing and I accepted, there and then at the dining table. It wasn’t a private or personal space, but for some reason that didn’t matter. I felt comfortable with the spontaneity and informality of the event. So I was really surprised how enveloping and consuming I found the healing process. I felt Carmen released feelings and energies in me that I had not paid attention to for a long time. I felt the gap between my mind and my body close and a sense of profound relaxation take hold. At one point she asked me how I felt and I answered that I wanted this blissful and benevolent state to last forever. I should say I’m not a particularly spiritual person and don’t have any religious beliefs. But I do believe the way we live in this society detaches us from each other and ourselves and through Carmen I felt a renewed sense of attachment. At the time my knee - which was ostensibly the focus of the healing process – felt better and I felt more confident to walk on it without discomfort. But as I told Carmen afterwards, for me the healing was a holistic experience and irrespective of whether my knee improved, I felt improved as a person. I write this testimonial out of gratitude and the sense that Carmen’s healing is a deeply rewarding, revitalizing and life-affirming experience.


R.G - Retired Teacher

Thank you for all your help with my health [chest infection]. I was so desperate, beginning to think I would never get better. After the healing on Tuesday, I felt transformed. My energy levels were so much better immediately. No more afternoon naps! Thank you also for the insights and information, which I am definitely going to pursue. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


K.G - Beauty Practitioner

So I have known Carmen for years but I actually never tried healing.  Whenever I was stressed, needed to relax, or just wanted some therapy I would either get a massage, reflexology, or do an NLP session.  All of these are still fantastic ways to help someone.  I am open though to Western, Eastern, and alternative ways so I finally gave in and had a healing session. OMG it was very different from anything I have ever experienced and I have been working in the industry for 17 years.  There was a lot of deleting of past issues that I know hinders us in the subconscious but I think the 2 significant things for me was the following.

First session - Nutrition came up as an issue and this was not one that I mentioned to Carmen before the session.  She got rid of the issues. What I noticed is that immediately I started the diet that has taken me 12 months to start.  I have for sure lost at least half a stone since and continue with a new way of eating.  Not sure what was deleted but it's an amazing result. Thank you!!!

More recent session - I had an injury in Asia where I literally almost chopped off my left index finger in a cooking incident.  I needed stitches but didn't make it to the doctors in time so they just gave me meds. The hole was big and I didn't know how it would close. Carmen said she could heal it. Again not sure how she did it but in the session I literally felt like she was stitching it. The result is that it is now healing faster and seems stronger.  I actually noticed a difference the next morning.  Thank you!! 


M.B - Musician

I went to Carmen for treatment on a severely broken finger. It was a mess, there's no other word for it - it hardly even resembled a finger. The hospital told me that it would take 6-12 months before the full damage could be assessed. I am a musician, and so this was devastating. 

It is 6 weeks after the accident, and the healing that has taken place has surprised everyone, friends and hospital alike. The hand therapist was astounded, and she thinks I can probably begin very light practice after 8 weeks. Carmen is amazing, she unearthed so much more than the finger problem!  Consequently, I am sleeping so much better and I have a sense of optimism I never had before the accident. I can't overstate my respect for her work.


M.C - Design Student/ Volleyball Player

My name is Marta, I’m a volleyball player. Three weeks ago during a match I turned my ankle. I went to the hospital and they told me there was no fracture, just a bad twist. They gave me crutches because the foot was really swollen and really bad. At the end of the day the doctor told me that I had to keep the crutches for 5/6 weeks. And than... a little miracle! I went to Carmen and after the session (with laser and movements of hands) I was really better and two days later I started walking without crutches! Thanks Carmen! You are Amazing!:)

Aosta, Italy

S.M - Student

Hi Carmen, I feel so much better already, as soon as I got home yesterday I went to the toilet and my bloating [and constipation] has stopped too. Thanks so much for your help. - S.M   

I hope S has been in touch with you. I just wanted to say that she felt so much better as soon as she stepped through the door after seeing you on Tuesday. She's been going to the loo, and has also managed to complete an essay which before she was saying she just couldn't do. So once again you have worked a miracle. - Mother


B.E - TV Producer

When I arrived for the healing session I was suffering with a Sinus infection and feeling most unwell. I had pain and discomfort in my face, ears and throat.  I rated the pain nine out of ten. During the healing session the pain gradually subsided and by the end of the session I was free of pain and the congestion from the sinusitis had begun to clear. By the time I returned home, my symptoms were that of a head cold.  It took approx two days for the symptoms to go completely which was amazing given that I have suffered from numerous Sinus infections which have always required treatment with antibiotics and have taken at least a two weeks for the symptoms to clear completely. It is now four days since I had my healing session and I feel really well and I am free of all the symptoms of the infection. Thanks once again, Carmen



18 month old Tia had been poorly for 10 days with viral diarrhoea. She was frail, had gone off her food and, more worryingly, was only taking occasional sips of fluids. Her anxious mother took her to A&E and was told that there was nothing they could do, and it could take up to 2 weeks (!) for the bug to pass through. When mum came to see me Tia fretted and nervously clung to her, so I worked with Tia in this position. After 20 minutes we were done. I told mum to expect a last bout of diarrhoea, the toxins leaving Tia’s system. Half an hour later, Tia was running around the house and garden, eating pasta and drinking ravenously. Another half hour later, Tia passed diarrhoea. Mum described it as the worst for the whole of the previous 10 days. After that, Tia’s stools were back to normal. So was Tia. Mum was bewildered. She admitted that she didn't 'believe in those things' and had only come to see a 'healer' because her mother-in-law had urged her to. 

R.B - Talent Management

I am a woman of few words, but I would just like to thank you for saving my life. I came to see you last Sunday for a Healing because I could not breathe properly and I was doubling up with a pain in my chest, could not even walk properly. This Saturday was my daughter’s birthday. I would like to tell you that I was dancing until four in the morning and only stopped because they closed the venue. Thanks once again!



After the session I felt like my energy was leaving me so I took to rest. I did not even have energy to cook. At around 8pm I got up and cooked, it became so easy. I realised my energy had come back. In the night while in bed I kept testing my dizziness and still could feel a slight sway but not so dramatic. This morning I was standing on my feet without feeling I was going to have a blackout, I think 97% of the dizziness has gone. I feel a slight sway. It’s funny, I keep thinking where has the dizziness gone, and feeling incomplete without it. It was a terrible experience. We are so fortunate to have you. Thank you so much for the healing. ❤❤❤


A.W - Musician

Hey Carmen, just want to say that I’m on my second period cycle since our session and I can hardly feel a thing. Normally I feel awful for the first day and super intense for the rest. I can only think that releasing all that energy has shifted something in my womb. Thank you darling and hope you’re well xx


E.H - Musician

Since my session with you I have not had any piles or haemorrhoids. I am so grateful and amazed. Thank you for your kindness in my session, your maternal vibes and your support in my healing. I value it very much...Now that I understand how the session works I hope to have another with you a little further down the line to help with a few things I haven’t been able to unblock.


S.M - Artist

My shoulder has completely healed - thank you so much for being such a powerful part of my healing journey.



Hi Carmen. I saw you a couple of years ago. I remember feeling so recharged after seeing you, at the time I was suffering from severe acne (which I have no trace of any more!)


S.T - Jeweller

Thank you thank you thank you Carmen ❤️❤️❤️ I came yesterday with so much stress in my body I couldn’t function. My heart was jumping around all day and night , racing and thumping. I feel soooo relaxed and clear, let so much go.
Having a very chilled and relaxed morning with a calmer body and clearer mind. Taking time to process and honour me. Truly grateful… I got a free app on my phone for my heart beat per min. It’s been averaging 85 ish. Today 57 !!!!



After your session [Exhaustion; Lack of Energy first thing in the morning] I tidied up my flat, had so much energy I couldn’t sleep. Woke up with energy and still have it!!! I’m so excited!! This could be life changing for me! Thank you so much! You’re amazing!!


C.L - Lecturer, Writer, Performer

I came to Carmen with knife-like stabbing on the right-hand, lower side of my back. I also had upper leg muscles which felt like someone was stretching violin strings. This was very painful. I could not bounce out of the chair as I usually would. The session did one thing: cleared it all. All these symptoms are gone. The session also helped my gym training, in terms of doing my sets in such a way, that I am uniting the body and psyche: I feel that going to the gym is now a holistic experience - I had not had that before! Also, Carmen removed blockages physically through energy work which helped me address a problem with a flat-mate regarding speaking my truth. Then the same day I actually got a directing gig with a theatre company I have wanted to work with for three years. That too presented exciting problems which I could address because I was grounded and the actors said how much they loved working with me, and thanked me for handling their challenges. We had a blast on the night. And I can spring up out of the chair. Also, what is really supportive about seeing Carmen, is understanding that you deal with one matter at a time. The creative visualisation Carmen invited me to do has really helped. I feel no pressure to 'get it all in one hole'. I want to take my healing, which is so much part of my creative growth, in its stages. Many thanks for helping me get this and helping me to listen to my body-energy-field.


J.H - Retired

[Sometimes processing can be uncomfortable, but necessary, as the body lets go of long-held and deeply-felt knots and tensions at the cellular level]

After I left the session I felt so much pain in my legs I was almost in tears. Since then I have been passing stools like 4 times a day which has been giving me less pain, though when I pass it feels incomplete.  I just got out of bed to walk and it is so much better. I feel so relaxed just lying in my bed doing nothing, I feel as if  something has been released out of my body. 


D.S - Retired

Many thanks for yesterday— my arm is sore but not painful any more. Miraculous! Thank you! xx


J.H - Retired

Since the session I am feeling like a heavy load is lifting off me daily.  I went to the toilet and everything came out.  I have gathered a lot of energy.  I have being drinking a lot of water.


M.M - Retired

I was planning to message you to say thank you once again! My left shoulder is already so much better. I'm aware of my body processing on many levels, so I am taking it as easy as possible.  I've also been thirsty, so I have been drinking more. It was lovely on Thursday! I really appreciate your care. Thank you.  Xx 


J.H - Retired

[Sometimes processing can be uncomfortable, but necessary, as the body lets go of long-held and deeply-felt knots and tensions at the cellular level]

After I left the session I felt so much pain in my legs I was almost in tears. Since then I have been passing stools like 4 times a day which has been giving me less pain, though when I pass it feels incomplete.  I just got out of bed to walk and it is so much better. I feel so relaxed just lying in my bed doing nothing, I feel as if  something has been released out of my body. 



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